Don't Let Anybody Tell You...!

Hi my dears,

we are a new generation, many things are different from the time when our parents were at our age. We are the generation of dreamers, we live according to romantic values and we put true love and friendship first. We are a generation in the time of self-discovery, we are neither saints but furthermore nor wilful sinners. In our actions and intentions we are just led by our feelings. Often we may be driven to make mistakes just because we do not know whether something is right or wrong. We do not think we know it all but we have to make our own experiences - just like our mentors did.

In the end we are aware of the fact that because of our mistakes we might get in conflicts - worse or harmless - but in the end we have the unconscious need to commit mistakes because otherwise we will not develop, neither we want to go without the fact to learn from each mistake and share our knowledge. So do not let anybody tell you you what to do! Do what you reach for doing.

Hat - Görtz
Denim shirt - New Look
Vest - C&A
Leather pants - Romwe
Ankle boots - Akira
Lipstick, eyeliner - P2

Xoxo ♥ Johanna

Über Die Liebe / About The Love

Lieber Leser,

habt ihr schon einmal etwas bzw. jemand gesehen und festgestellt, dass diese ganz anders sind als ihr gedacht hättet und weit über eure Vorstellungen hinaus laufen? So ging es es mir mit dem Buch das ich euch im Folgenden vorstellen möchte...

Das Buch „Über Die Liebe“ wurde von Genadzi Sarakapyt geschrieben, der unter dem Psyeudonym Eugen Saar sein Werk veröffentlicht hat. Saar ist Priester in der russisch-orthodoxen Kirche in Hamburg und kommt ursprünglich aus Weißrussland. Er ist verheiratet und hat vier Kinder. Zur Zeit lebt er in Hamburg.
In dem Buch gibt luscht ein namensloser Ich-Erzähler seiner Nachbarin, wie Diese über das Leben philosophiert.

Mit dem Buch fühle ich mich wie mit einem intellektuellem Freund, der meine Ansichten teilt und meine Gedanken ausspricht. Es ist ein Buch, mit dem man spricht, aber auch durch dem man sich Gedanken macht. Dieses spiegelt sich mit den zahlreichen Dialogen und den Erzählungen des Ich-Erzählers wieder.
Das Thema, die Philosophie des Lebens, ist ein zeitloses Thema, das spätestens mit dem Lesen des Buches dazu anregt. Obwohl viele Gedankengänge selbstverständlich erscheinen sind sie dennoch nicht langweilig, sondern umso interessanter, weil man gespannt sein darf womit der Gedankengang weitergeführt würde. Was mir persönlich im Buch aufgefallen ist, dass ich den Intellekt und die Weltoffenheit des Autors wiedererkannt habe aber auch durch dieses Buch eine neue Seite an ihm kennengelernt habe.
Selbst jene, die nicht besonders passionierte Leser sind, fesselt dieses Buch und lässt die eintauchen in Gedanken, die noch zu ergründen sind. Auch wenn es scheint, dass der Ernst des Inhalts für den Leser deprimierend ist, so zeigt dies nur, dass man sich seinem eigenen Schatten stellen soll.

Das Buch „Über die Liebe“ von Eugen Saar ist zweifellos ein Buch mit Herz, mit einem tiefen Sinn und aktuellen Thema, das sozial sehr weiterbildend ist. Wer glaubt er entwickelt seine Weisheit mit der Anzahl der Lebensjahre, der irrt sich. Das Buch ist sowohl für junge Erwachsene, die sich in ihrer Selbstfindungsphase befinden, als auch für ältere Generationen empfehlenswert, da es neue Sichtpunkte aufzeigt.
Aber Taten sagen mehr als Worte, demnach sagte ich das, was ich jedem gesagt habe, dem ich über das Buch erzählt habe: „Lest es selbst.“

Im Folgenden, fragte ich den Autor Eugen Saar nach einem kleinen Interview zu seinem Werk, speziell über seine Motivation und seine Sicht über das tiefgründige Leben.

Fall4Me: Was war Ihre Motivation das Buch "Über die Liebe" zu schreiben?
Eugen Saar: Ich wollte einfach über den Sinn der Menschen nachdenken und den Menschen den Vorschlag machen, dasselbe zu tun.

Wie würden Sie selber Liebe für sich und Liebe im Bezug auf das Buch definieren?
Vielleich ist Liebe ein Gefühl, aber wenn wir das Gefühl tiefer verstehen, ist es eine Verbindung mit dem Sein beziehungsweise eine Verbindung vor dem Sein. Liebe wird von den Menschen verschieden definiert und ich wollte diese Definitionen verstehen.
Für mich ist es zuerst Gefühl, dann das Sein.

Die Protagonistin haben Sie bewusst in Victoria umbenannt, weil dies lateinisch für "Sieg" steht. Inwiefern würden Sie sagen, dass die Person Victoria eine Siegerin ist?
Jeder Mensch ist spätestens mit seinem Ende ein Sieger. Und die Tatsache bis zu diesem Ende zu gehen ist ein Sieg. Einige kommen früher an ihr Ende oder einige später. Wenn ein Mensch zu seinem Ende kommt, ist das ein Sieg.

Nach dem Lesen des Buches habe ich festgestellt, dass wir alle Victoria sind. Was bedeutet Ihnen diese Person?
Victoria symbolisiert den Menschen wie jeden anderen. Neben Victoria gibt es den Ich-Protagonisten, der immer wieder Fragen stellt. Einige stellen diese Fragen bewusst, einige unbewusst, aber wir sollten diese Fragen in unserem Leben zumindest einmal stellen.

Was für eine Nachricht möchten Sie den Menschen mit diesen Buch weitergeben?
Keine. Ich wollte einfach selbst über das Leben nachdenken, wie bereits am Anfang gesagt, und auch diese Möglichkeit den Menschen, die Leben ohne nachzudenken, ohne das zu bemerken, was um sie passiert oder was mit uns passiert wenn wir leben. Und ich denke, dass es wichtig ist, Fragen des Seins zu stellen ohne Antworten zu bekommen, wenn es überhaupt möglich ist, Antworten zu bekommen.

Können Sie vorstellen hiernach ein weiteres Buch zu schreiben?

Natürlich! Ich habe Entwürfe, aber ich weiß noch nicht, ob und wie ich sie fertigstelle.

Das Buch könnt ihr auf Amazon zum fairen Preis kaufen.

Xoxo ♥ Johanna

Ella Deck And Friends - Fashion Show 2015

Hello my dear readership,

"We give little designers the chance to present themselves.", Ella Deck stated when she talked to me about her fashion show when I have met her the Monday before. The Hamburg couture designer knows what it means to start at the point of zero so she engages herself to help other little designers and as well offers work placement at her atelier. "The designers to be can send me their applications and then it can begin."
However Ella Deck makes no difference between the styles of the designers learning at hers and her personal style: "We are going to unite stark contrasts.", and so it happened to be that before the main show of Ella Deck and friends the Hamburg sports- and streetwear designer Kristine Dölle presented the current collection of her label ZurfDay.

At the evening of November 6th, 2015 Ella Deck and friends have invited to a private fashion show at HOME & GARDEN in Winterhude, Hamburg.
"We have intentionally chosen this location to give our guests a home feeling, As the name of the location HOME & GARDEN already says home symbolizes a family feeling. What we want to say with this choice is: 'Just feel like home!'", Ella explains and continues, "to bring more home feeling into the fashion show we have laid out cow fur carpets on which the models are supposed to walk.".
The designer proudly told me that among the models there were as well her two sons Dio-Noël (6) and Yves-Anthony (8) on the catwalk.

Apart from the home feeling and union of the extremes, another highlight was that the extravagant and eye-catching hats, bags and various accessories that are designed by Ella Deck's friends were to be bought right on place at different little stands within the location.
"I work together with different designers to create the complete perfect look for the women. That is why we call this fashion show 'Ella Deck and friends'.", the designer explains the name of her fashion show.
"We do not see each other as partners but meanwhile as friends because we work together every day.", Ella Deck emphasizes the importance of the partnership.
In addition the designer explained the idea and importance of these little stands as the following; "We are expecting businessmen- and women, freelancers, et cetera who will be actively writing on their social networks about the show. Therefore we want to give them the comfortable opportunity to shop right on place and not having to come for shopping one other time again since these people are busy in their everyday life anyway."

Ella Deck and friends.

Other important guests of that evening were among others the singer and actor Saskia Leppin who enriched both the fashion shows with her beautiful and strong voice and the dancer, host and model Christine Deck, the beautiful host of the show.

Since 13 years celebrities like Christine Neubauer, Bettina Wulff or Frauke Ludowig have worn Ella Deck, since 13 years Ella Deck herself has been establishing her couture fahsion and trends: "As a designer you put value on setting your own trends.", she emphasizes, "What we want to show with this fashion show is to have no fear of combining, we have made summer items suitable for winter, red and white are combined with a very dark blue. I want people to talk about the fashion show and say: 'Ella Deck? There I have to go for the next time!'"

The highlight of the show was a purple dress which Ella Deck has showed me before: "This dress has a special manufacturing of braids.", she explained while showing me the dress, "it has an attractive back and a flower on the chest."
Personally my blood stood still when I saw it for the first time and I was just as speechless when I saw it worn and the complete look with a matching bouquet of flowers. What I loved most about the dress is the color, purple which is my personal favorite color. Flowers are the trademark of Ella Deck Couture.

What was not shown that evening but what as well belongs to Ella Deck Couture are wedding dresses. "If I look around in Hamburg I only simple wedding dresses. We however order the most expensive material and silk from London and put high value that the dress is figure-hugging and that the material suits the woman." and apart from that Ella Deck Couture also contains: "Meanwhile we as well get requests for promotion dresses.".

And what does the designer herself like to wear? "Personally for my everyday life in my I prefer casual pleated pants and with a fancy silk blouse."

During our talk her phone was ringing unstoppably as it seemed. Prelude Fantasia by Chopin had become a catchy tone for me for that day. Such a noble ringtone underlines the elegance of the designer.

The entertainment continuned with a competition for the guests and a reunion with good friends and closing new agreeable friendships. But everyone was a winner that evening with a little gift package for everyone at the end.

The outfit I have chosen for the night was a purple cocktail dress and its matching boots since I knew Ella likes it colorful and her highlight dress was going to be purple, too. I have added a headpiece as well matching Ella Deck's look. It was thought that I was one of the models like this and my red lips.

 After show with my beautiful friend and model Regina San

 With Christine Deck. As lovely as beautiful.

Visit my Facebook page for all photos. I will be most happy if you give a "like" when passing by.

Xoxo ♥ Johanna

...Because I Can

Hey, hey my dears,

crazy bird, chick, extravagant... whether I am at work, university or participate in an event it seems like I am always an eye-catcher. No please, I do not want to be a show-off but but let us see where this comes from... my Eastern-European heritage and influence, yes, I agree but I rather meant what is it that catches the eyes, it is not that I am shopping my clothes at colossal places. How many times have I caught the one or other person on the street wearing something I have in my closet, too.

I have a good quote for you from one of my favorite anime series which as transfered to fashion: "It is not about what you are wearing something but how you are wearing it."

The person who was said this in its content did not understand first. I have to admit this is more complex than it sounds because how to wear it does not only refer word by word on how it is worn but with what it is combined and here comes my recipe of being an eye-catcher. 

As an artist arts is my playground - we remember from my last word - and fashion is arts in one day. Style is self-expression so it turns out for me that fashion is the most beautiful way to express yourself.
We have learned from many painters, (modern) writers and even musicians songwriters and composers that everything is allowed. The only condition is that it shall fit to the author, 

I admit that I am a very complex individual with many different passions and moods but just as every person even I have my trademark. Which made me become someone who loves to play with styles, cultures, epochs and bring the extremes to harmony.

For this look it even happened to be that I achieved to bring the Bohemian-, the flannel-, the hat- and the dark-green trends as the color of fall 2015 into one look.

Are you convinced? Then 3, 2, 1, guess my trademark.

Flannel shirt - s.Oliver
Longtop, belt - C&A
Hat - Colloseum
T-Shirt - Vanilla Ninja merchandise

Xoxo ♥ Johanna

They Must Think... I'm Crazy

Hey dear readers, 

...I am thinking... they must be right. After a clear heavy dark grey entry for the (according to the calendar) transition from summer to fall which was not only on my nails but as well in Germany I have opened my heart for some more colorful and brighter nails for mid-fall and play and seem tasteless at the first sight and in the end just be crazy. But all I did was letting my creativity shine at the highest by being like a child when I saw all the colors, all the glitter and all the little jewelries in different colors. Arts are just one of my playgrounds but still they are my toys whether on nails, make-up or on the paper and artists are known to be wild in their expressions and reach over up to the stars and further.

A little note to those who know me and will most likely ring the alarm since I always scream that red on my nails is a no-go. It still is but in my personal little world this is rather cherry color than real red so it is appropriate,

Huge thanks to T. for another great nails.

Xoxo ♥ Johanna