The Lady

“Being strong is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't.”, Margaret Thatcher.

Good evening  my beloved readership,

beautiful, tender, generous; a diamond to watch. That's all the crowd is seeing in a lady. Chased by the greedy eyes of men destroyed by the jealous eyes of the women.
But no one is seeing the strong, loving and caring woman by the side of a man willing to give her life for her better half. No one sees the deep emotions hidden underneath her black dress which are as big as the length of her robe. No one sees the shadow of her worries which are covered by the glamorous sparks of her diamonds.

A lady is a book waiting to be read and understood. Even if a lady might be just a decoration for you also then she has to be taken care of in order not to go down in oblivion. Beauty is a lady, lady is feelings.

Robe - Romwe
Bracelet - New Look
Watch - Chanel
Earrings - Expressions
High heels - Style in Shoes n Accessories

Xoxo ♥ Johanna

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