The Party Must Go On

Bonjour mes chers,

last Friday night a plenty of ladies celebrated the beginning of spring at the Ladies Night in the department store Karstadt in the district Wandsbek.

It is an exclusive shopping night for ladies with special discounts, extra gifts, contests, drinks in every corner and much more sponsored by labels offered in the store.

Just as last year me and my friend made a photo printed on chocolate together which was my personal highlight.

Sadly we didn't manage to get to everything because of the time.

Earrings, necklace - SIX; top - New Look; pullover - Joyx; skirt - C&A; 
bracelets - Claire's; watch - Chanel; tights - Kunert; boots, bag - GUESS

My modest request to Karstadt would be if you could lengthen the Ladies Nights from 11 pm to 11.30 or midnight.

Xoxo ♥ Johanna

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